Braces with Missing Teeth (IS IT POSSIBLE?)

Braces mean a mouth full of devices. Wires, brackets, even plastic aligners will be in your mouth for months maybe years. You may have missing teeth and are not confident that orthodontic treatment is suitable. It is suitable and, in this post, we’ll show you in a quick fashion why braces with missing teeth is achievable. Let’s get cracking.

Why do it?

Orthodontic treatment is a common procedure for children who suffer from malocclusions that affect their jaw growth or the eruption of their adult teeth. During this time, braces and spacers are used to correctly space remaining teeth to allow room for those new incoming incisors and molars.

Sometimes, orthodontics is necessary to make room for these permanent teeth coming in. Severe cases can prevent them all together so it’s important not only because you’ll have a more attractive straightened-up looking smile but also with your overall oral health as well.

How do braces work with missing teeth?

If your teeth have gaps or if one of them is missing, braces might be the way to go. When you get fitted for a brace with room for an implant, that can be set up so that there’s plenty of space in case you decide to need something more permanent later on down the line.

Do you have to have all your teeth to get braces?

A child’s teeth will grow in over time, but they need to be straightened first so that the permanent adult tooth can erupt into position. For this process to happen most effectively and with minimal disruption during the growth of new baby (primary) teeth, we recommend treatment begins between 8-14 years old. This is when most primary molars have erupted from the gums and before many more are lost due to decay or injury.

A traditional orthodontist starts treating braces around age 8. This is because it is important not only for their appearance now as well as later; it helps them bite better. This is all while preserving space in the back where wisdom teeth may eventually become impacted if left untreated. On rare occasions tooth extraction is necessary, you can read more about that here.

Can you get Invisalign with a missing tooth?

Invisalign® is the perfect option if you’re in need of straightening out your teeth. But what about those people who have a missing tooth? Well, don’t fret because Invisalign can work for you too. If there’s still enough healthy space to attach an archwire on either side, then it won’t be a problem at all. However, keep in mind that after having this treatment done, replacing any lost or damaged teeth becomes necessary and important just like before. But now with more ease thanks to improved technology!

Orthodontic treatment can help patients who are missing teeth and improve the health of their teeth. Braces may be recommended for overcrowded or misaligned teeth, but if a patient is experiencing tooth loss due to this issue, then they should consider getting braces sooner rather than later as soon as possible so that all issues from dental alignment problems will not get worse down the road with time.

Can Braces Help Treat Missing Teeth?

Braces can help with oral health in a variety of ways. They not only work on the alignment of teeth but also prevent other problems that may arise if left untreated. Braces close gaps between teeth and align the surrounding ones as well to give better spacing for replacements like dental implants when one tooth is lost or missing due to injury or decay.

They open space left by any missing teeth so it’s easier for dentists to install new replacement teeth later down the road; braces are beneficial because they do all these things while preventing neighboring pairs from moving into spaces where there used to be healthy parts-preventing many more issues than just what you’d expect!


If you’re interested in correcting your teeth regardless of missing teeth or gaps, call the office. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Schulhof and Dr. Eis to discuss your dental needs. Then, create a game plan and get the self-confidence you deserve. It’s going to change your life. Contact us today because orthodontics shouldn’t just be a treatment, but an experience!

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