Kids Braces Bergen County NJ

Does your child have teeth or jaw misalignments that may require braces? If so, The Schulhof Center offers kids braces Bergen County NJ at an affordable cost that will effectively improve their smile and their overall oral health.

Dr. Adam Schulhof is a pediatric orthodontist who has years of experience treating kids using braces of all types. To learn more about kids braces Bergen County NJ, continue reading below.

What Are Kids Braces Bergen County?

kids braces bergen county

Kids braces are orthodontic appliances patients wear to fix a variety of teeth and jaw misalignments, including underbite, crossbite, overbite, open bite, spaces between teeth, crookedness, and overcrowding. Brackets are bonded to the front of each tooth using a special adhesive. An archwire anchors the brackets and serves as the mechanism to put pressure on the teeth to shift them by tightening it from time to time. Elastic bands hold the wire in place and offer additional support and pressure.

Types Of Kids Braces

  • Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces feature small brackets made of stainless steel or titanium for maximum strength and durability. An archwire anchors the brackets while elastic bands support the wire. This is the most common type of braces.

  • Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces feature larger brackets that are clear or natural tooth color for a more discreet appearance. Even the archwire can be clear or natural tooth color.

  • Self-Ligating Braces

Self-ligating braces offer brackets that feature an innovative door that clips the wire in place, allowing Dr. Engel easier access to the wire and cutting appointment times in the process. Because of this special door, elastic bands are unnecessary.

  • Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are different from the other three types because the brackets are bonded to the back of each tooth instead of the front. This makes your hardware more difficult for others to see. However, lingual braces are more expensive because they are more challenging to install.

  • Invisalign Teen

For teens who desire a treatment that won’t interfere with their lifestyle, Invisalign Teen is a series of clear aligners that patients wear for 22 hours a day. The aligners are removable so there are no dietary restrictions and are easier to clean.

  • Propel

Propel is a device patients use for only minutes a day to provide extra stimulation to their teeth so they shift faster, thus reducing treatment length. This device can be used by braces and Invisalign patients.

Interceptive Orthodontics

kids dentist in pascack valley

When it comes to orthodontic treatment for kids, early treatment is best. That’s why our two-phase interceptive orthodontics treatment is perfect for kids so we can spot and treat minor misalignment issues before they become bigger and more expensive problems later on.

The first phase begins between the ages of 7 and 9. Your child may have to wear a space maintainer, palatal expander, or light braces for 12 months. After a rest period of a few years, the second phase begins at the age of 12 or 13. This is when full braces or Invisalign may be necessary.

Cost Of Kids Braces Bergen County NJ

The cost of braces typically runs between $3,500 to $8,000. Invisalign costs about the same. The Schulhof Center offers affordable monthly payment plans and accepts major credit cards and most insurance providers. Seeking early orthodontic treatment for kids can save parents money in the long term because orthodontic problems are more difficult to treat the longer you wait.

Contact KinderSmiles About Kids Braces Bergen County NJ

kids braces bergen county nj

The Schulhof Center proudly offers kids Braces in Bergen County NJ. Dr. Schulhof is currently accepting new patients and looks forward to helping your child get the healthy smile they need. Every child deserves a happy and healthy smile. To make an appointment or to learn more, call our office at 551-231-5323 today!

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