Score a Perfect Smile (Without Anyone Else Knowing!)

For as long as I can remember, I’ve secretly obsessed over my teeth. I had braces when I was younger and as a result, my smile looked beautiful for a few years. But then I had my wisdom teeth removed and kept forgetting to wear my retainers (is there anything less sexy than a retainer?) and the next thing I knew, I was spending an unacceptable amount of time stressing over my crowded teeth. Once I started expressing my concern to friends and colleagues, I found out that I wasn’t the only one unhappy with my smile.

I researched options but knew that a second round of traditional braces was not right for me. Now that I was older with a career and an active social life, I felt embarrassed by the prospect of having braces again. But then I discovered Incognito Hidden Braces. I met with Dr. Schulhof of The Schulhof Center for Cosmetic Orthodontics and he explained to me how Incognito braces are just like the traditional version, but they are placed behind your teeth, making them invisible to others. Unlike other options out there designed to “secretly” fix your smile, every bracket and wire of Incognito is 100 percent customized to your teeth for accuracy, which can lead to fewer appointments and increased comfort. That means less time spent with the braces on (and at your orthodontist’s office) and more time getting on with your life.

Another bonus of Incognito is that they are actually safer to the health of your mouth for anyone with an active lifestyle. Since the brackets are safely hidden on the inside of your teeth, if you sustain an injury to the mouth (like a misdirected punch in kickboxing class or falling off your bike), you’ll avoid a painful busted lip. Many athletes have opted for this treatment as opposed to others since they can accomplish desired results faster and safer. Plus, Dr. Schulhof pointed out that for people who exercise often, many don’t hydrate enough and end up with dry mouth. Dry mouth and brackets that rub up against the inside of your cheeks and mouth don’t go well together and can even ruin a good workout due to discomfort.

If you don’t want to commit to a full set of braces or if you’re looking to straighten out just the front, most-visible portion of your smile, you can opt for Incognito Lite. This version works the same way as the full set, but they are applied to just the front six or eight teeth, which are seen the most when you talk or smile. The process is a lot quicker than that of regular braces and within a few months, you could be flaunting a gorgeous smile.

If you are eligible to be treated with regular braces, then you can be treated with Incognito. If you are in the greater New York City area, head to The Schulhof Center for Cosmetic Orthodontics to learn more or make an appointment with Dr. Schulhof. If not, visit to find an Incognito-certified Orthodontist near you.

This article was first published on: Through Heather’s Looking Glass
